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Who are the Dappled Goat & Co?

Updated: May 25, 2022

The Dappled Goat is one of our favourite goats. She is a part of the family and contributes to the milk used in our goats milk soaps.

The Dappled Goat

The original Dappled Goat is a beautiful Anglo Nubian Cross breed nanny goat named Cookie. When she was born, she was the smallest and weakest of triplets so needed additional care in order to survive. We bottle-fed her and found her to be such a lovely character. As you can see below, cookie's coat is black with light coloured dapples.

Baby cookie - the original dappled goat

Cookie's partner-in-crime

Cookie has a partner-in-crime called Pan. They both needed bottle feeding during the same kidding season. Like Cookie, Pan was the smallest and weakest of triplets. As they both needed additional support when first born, they grew up as siblings. Although they are very different to each other in character and appearance, and do not feel the need to be in each others space all of the time, they still have a deep bond that can be seen when they are wary or up to no good!

Cookie and Pan as babies

The leader of the tribe

Ruling the roost is Biscuit - yet another favourite. Biscuit is a fantastic character with determination and stubbornness in bucket loads.

Biscuit - the OG

The people behind Dappled Goat & Co

I'm Gemma, and together with my partner Ben we dedicate our time outside of our 9-5's to looking after our animals. We have a smallholding in West Yorkshire where we keep our goats alongside other animals including sheep, ducks, pheasants, peacocks, chickens, partridge, giant rabbits, horse, and dogs. Ben is chief milker and I make the soap.

As if all of that isn't enough, we also scan sheep and goats to detect pregnancy for small to medium flocks.

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